4 cup review from Coffee Time Romance!
Jeriha at Coffee Time Romance says this: "This is a riveting read. Usually, I am very hesitant about reading books that have first person POV, but Ms. Murray does a beautiful job of putting my doubts to rest and pulling me in the story. She writes about their history, background and present in such a way I flowed along rather than get lost in ‘what just happened’. Both Ana and Bowie are very real people with their faults, insecurities, internal struggle and strengths that you will feel they are just like us. The supporting characters of the whole town compliment the main ones beautifully. The radicals’ savage nature and what they do is chilling. On the other hand, the shifter phase is played down a little. Only Ana’s cravings and thinking are described when in puma form, not much on Bowie in dragon form. Even though it is not required, the way the story is written I would still like to know more. Second thing that leaves me wondering is why Ana does not use her witch magic in distress. This and a little more on the nature of the weres when in shifter form would have made the story even more gripping. Overall, this is an exceptional read. You will not even notice that this is the debut novel by the author and I, for one, cannot wait to find out what more she has in store for us."
Sent Keeper of the Golden Dragon's Heart off to Book Reviews by Lynn. Here's what she had to say:
Review 5*****
I was given a copy of this book by the author in return for an honest review.
This is a wonderful romance novel!
Anastasia Plum is a very feisty character. Being half witch/half puma, she gets bored quite quickly and likes to shake things up. She has a knack of creating havoc and getting her adopted brothers involved in her schemes.
Bowie Golden is the local sheriff, and is a dragon shapeshifter. He is a fantastic character. Reliable and honourable, he is the quintessential golden boy. I love him! He's gorgeous!
I have read a lot of romance novels over the years. This book is fantastic! It has two of my most favourite things: a gripping story and shapeshifters! When danger threatens their town, Ana and Bowie must band together to fight for their survival.
I love this type of book, as there is danger mixed in with the romance. Told from both Ana's and Bowie's view points, this book kept and held my attention from the first page.
I was given a copy of this book by the author in return for an honest review.
This is a wonderful romance novel!
Anastasia Plum is a very feisty character. Being half witch/half puma, she gets bored quite quickly and likes to shake things up. She has a knack of creating havoc and getting her adopted brothers involved in her schemes.
Bowie Golden is the local sheriff, and is a dragon shapeshifter. He is a fantastic character. Reliable and honourable, he is the quintessential golden boy. I love him! He's gorgeous!
I have read a lot of romance novels over the years. This book is fantastic! It has two of my most favourite things: a gripping story and shapeshifters! When danger threatens their town, Ana and Bowie must band together to fight for their survival.
I love this type of book, as there is danger mixed in with the romance. Told from both Ana's and Bowie's view points, this book kept and held my attention from the first page.
Pretty awesome, right? (Yes, I did a happy dance!)
Here's a note I received from a reader:
airplane...in first class. Now the reason that's important is that it's usually rather
reserved in First Class.
So I get to a great part...think makeup and shaving cream on a couple of sleeping twin brothers...and I laugh out loud. No, not the tinkling kind of laugh. The belly kind of laugh. Got strange stares from First Class.From In'd Tale Magazine:
Ms. Murray paints a town, characters, and creatures of Cedar River that warm the heart and soul, especially the Golden family. Her idea of shifting human/animals is original and blends well with the warmth of the setting, though Ana being both a puma and a witch seem unnecessary and distracting to an already rich tale. Though the story flows well, the conflict with the poachers falls flat. Scenes of the attacks are heinous but the reasoning and moving force behind them is elusive. Still, it is easy to fall in love with Cedar River and the Goldens. And oh that Bowie... yumdelicious!
Ms. Murray's Cedar River is warm and charming as ever in the second book of her Cedar River Series. New characters weave in perfectly with old favorites and Cedar River continues to be a cozy town for visiting again and again. There are a few distracting editing issues and the pacing was a little awkward toward the end. The shaman element, though interesting, feels like overkill, but the steam factor was definitely amped up this go around. WARNING: Read this book armed with chocolates and cherry whip! Ooh la la!
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