If you know me, you know my father spent 20+ years of his life living with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). I watched the highs and extreme lows ravage my dad's life. My mission was to simply get him through each day. With Dad gone, I have a new mission. I don't want the veterans out there to feel alone for one second. I want the world to be aware of PTSD and what it does to the people it touches. Here are a few links to some of my favorite people: Battling Bare on FB & Battle Buddy. If you or someone you know is struggling with PTSD, PLEASE get in touch with one of these groups or contact your local Veteran's Administration. One more soldier suicide is too many. They took a vow to protect us, let's vow to keep them safe now that they're home. This is the Battling Bare pledge:
Broken by battle...
Wounded by war...
My love is FOREVER--to you this I SWORE.
Quiet your silent screams...
Help heal your shattered soul...
Until once again, my love...
Battle bare.
Will you join me?

Celtic Thunder- These guys are the soundtrack for most of my writing lately. Beautiful music by beautiful Celtic men. Where on earth can a woman go wrong?
Sayklly's Candy- OMG! That's all I can say. I'm a salty/sweet girl and they can satisfy any of my cravings. Their sea salt caramels and the sea salt milk chocolate filled with vanilla buttercream...OMG!
The Record Rack- A wonderful place to browse for previously owned DVDs, blu-rays, music and video games. Stop in and say hi!
Danielle D. Smith-This woman amazes me daily! Her art is simply breath- taking. Her stories are unlike any others (and I mean that in a very good way.) Be sure to check out Danielle D. Smith and the amazing world she has created!
Great Lakes Art Jewelry- I came across this lady one day on Facebook and instantly fell in love with her jewelry. I'm actually considering doing a giveaway or two with a couple of her pieces. Be sure to stop by and give Julie some love. Tell her Gemma sent you.
Design by Katt- This the cover artist who has created the piece of art for The Golden Dragon's Treasure. I am in awe at how quickly it came together. She took my vision and brought it to life. Be sure to check her out and support this wonderful artist.
I'll be sure to add more as I go on and find more treasures to share with you. Come back and visit often:)
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