Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The Hardest Words to Say

Somebody shared a meme similar to this the other day and I laughed. Out of these 3 things, Worcestershire sauce is the easiest for me to say. "I was wrong" is even easier to say than #2.

I am an "I love you" whore! I tell everyone who matters in my life that I love them, but "I need you"? Those words seldom cross my lips.

Things have been a bit difficult in my life lately. While I have friends to turn to, saying, "I need you" is extremely hard for me to say. I don't want others to hold space for me. Everyone has so much going on in their lives and I feel like my shit is just that...shit.

Now, I know there is at least one person reading this who is thinking that she and I are going to tussle because I will hold space for her no matter what. When everything goes pear-shaped in her life, I will drop whatever I'm doing to be there. When she says, "I need some Boo time," I rearrange whatever I can for her. 

Let's be clear: I have people who will drop everything...IF I would just ask. I just don't ask. My Boo and my Peanut? They'd move heaven and earth for me if I only said, "I need you." 

I like to be needed. It helps me push my drama aside for awhile to focus on someone else. I just hate to need others. For so long, I have lived my life without needing someone to lean on. And needing someone has the connotation (in my mind) of being too weak to handle my shit myself. 

I do know that there is strength in saying the words, "I need you." And when others say those words to me, my first thought is "How can I help you carry the weight that is on your heart?" But my flawed thinking has me believing that if I ask for time or help, then I am being judged for being weak.

Tell me: What words are hardest for you to say? How are you learning to say them anyway?

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

A Little Something I Wrote

The other day this piece popped into my head. I could literally see the story playing out. This hasn't happened in a while which told me that this was an important piece to write. 

I shared it with a friend who called in "heartbreaking" and that's exactly the thing. My heart was breaking and I needed to write the pain out. 

I thought I'd share it with you.

The Slow Death

Plain as she can be, she never dreamed she’d be here. In this place. In this time. Staring down the barrel of several loaded guns. Caught in the crosshairs. Waiting for the one willing to pull the trigger.

Her deer eyes blink slowly, but she is frozen. Too scared to move. Too scared to stay where she is. Her body trembles as she feels the weight of the scopes, scanning the best place to plant the bullet that could lead to her demise.

Her only path is dark and overgrown with underbrush. She could hide well, but there are even scarier things waiting for her there. Creatures with sharpened teeth and razor-like claws who wish to rip her tender flesh from her body are concealed from the light of the day.

Her body shudders slightly, visible only to those closest to her. She slowly turns, allowing her body to block others who stand as terrified as she.  She bares her neck to the ones holding the guns. The ones who would kill her with one shot. She is willing to lie bleeding out on the forest floor to protect those who aren’t as willing to die as is she.

She hears the soft sighs of the hunters as she waits for the bullet to pierce her flesh. She turns slowly to look at the hunters…one at a time. She nickers softly, encouraging the others to flee and not return for her. She is willing to meet her fate. After all, no one will miss her. She is nothing to them. Just another trophy for their wall and meals for their families.

She hears a man call something. With a deep breath, her long lashed eyes close. She hears men’s laughter as she opens her eyes to find the darkest haired of the men making his way toward her, his hand outstretched, reaching to run his fingers over her trembling body. He speaks in such a low and calming manner as he strokes his hands over her. She feels her body leaning into him, begging him for more. The one wild creature in the forest that aches for the touch of man. The touch of THIS man.

His friends are teasing him as he slowly runs his long fingers of her. He smiles and her heart melts. Today she will not die in the way she anticipated. Instead she will die because this man will merely carry her heart with him as he walks away. And he will walk away. They all walk away. She is a wild creature not meant to be loved in any capacity. She is merely for men’s entertainment and amusement. She is not meant to have forever. She is only meant for the here and now.

The man coaxes her to follow him and the wild in her heart aches to be free. He does not understand that wild things aren’t made to be domesticated simply because they’re terrified of having their spirits broken.

Again, he whispers murmurs of love. Her heart races because there is nothing she wants more than to be loved by this man. However, he like the others will hurt her. He’s a man. He doesn’t know any other way to be. But, god, this man. This man she wants to love more than the others before him. He teases her to follow him towards the edge of the clearing.

His friends continue to tease and laugh. In her heart, she knows they’re laughing at her stupidity and willingness to give herself over to him for one more stroke of his hands over her. She tried to tune them out and just enjoy the moment. The man then laughs and shoos at her. “Stupid woman! Did you really think I’d love you?”

She feels her heart shatter into a millions pieces and tears fall from her big doe-like eyes. The droplets cling to her lashes as she looks at him, her wounded heart glistening in her eyes. She slowly turns to walk into the dense underbrush, praying to be devoured by the dark creatures with fangs and claws. It would be so much easier than the slow death of falling in love.


Saturday, June 13, 2020

Loyalty, Smoyalty

*Steps on soapbox* *taps mic* 

I've been accused many times of being a June Cleaver in a Kim Kardashian world.  And it seems that is only becoming more and more true.

Today, the lesson is about loyalty and commitment. 
We have become a throw away society in so many ways. It isn't just about the convenience of items in our life. It is also about the convenience of people. It doesn't matter how close or distant they are. It doesn't matter if they are a hard worker and loyal to a fault. It becomes about convenience.

This week, I've received an eye opening revelation of what loyalty means to people in my life. It became a point where I actually began to question myself and my values. 

I realize I was raised differently than most people. I was raised to be loyal to your job, your friends, and to your mate. However, I've learned that people who claim to be your friend aren't always telling the truth. Spouses cheat and lie. And your job? Well, your job is never a sure thing. 

I got a very tough lesson and it is one that I will not soon forget. I've been told so many times how valuable I am, but it turns out that I'm not as valued as I was told. Someone whose opinion I valued revealed their true colors and their opinion of me is not as they once claimed. 

Why? Turns out that because I've slightly inconvenienced this person in order to take care of myself and mine, their opinion became one filled with malice and hate. This person turned on me in a way that I never dreamed they could or would.

For a moment (or more like the last day), I've questioned myself and doubted myself. However, what I have discovered is that what I did had nothing to do with how this person feels. But I'm a means to an end for this person. People like me. People within this forum sincerely like me. And I've sheltered this person from the anger for such a long time that they believe that I'm disposable. 

Again, I was raised to believe that people are never disposable. And once you make me feel like I am, then you are on your way out of my circle. Making me doubt myself and my values pushes you even further out. 

One thing I have learned many times of my years on this planet is that money makes people do stupid things. One of these things is often to believe that people are simply throw away. 

I may not be as smart as someone else. Maybe I could work harder or be more dedicated. When it comes to my passion, I am. However, when I have to work to create and build someone else's dream only to find myself being degraded and devalued, then I find myself question where my loyalty should actually lie.

And here is the answer...myself. That is where my loyalty should and will lie. I have a very tight circle of friends and family who love me unconditionally. They, too, have my loyalty. But that's where it ends. No longer will I put my loyalty in people who can't see my value or who make me feel like I'm less than because I am doing what I need to survive. 

Because survive I will. And I will soar higher than I ever dreamed...all on my own wings. 

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Life is Good

How is everyone? I'm praying you and yours are all doing well. I'm still standing and counting the blessings that grace my world.

I started a new blog. I celebrated a birthday. I sat in my sadness over the anniversary of my father's death. I've got on with life and taken a deep breath over the opening up of my world again.

I haven't been into an actual store since March and I'm finding that I don't really miss it. I have a local store that I miss, but, in general, I'm just don't care. I order my groceries online and pick them up on my designated day at my designated time. Anything else I need can either wait or I will order it and have it delivered to the house. The dogs love it! They know when their food is delivered and they get so excited to see the boxes. 

Did I tell you I adopted 2 dogs? I don't think I did. My boss and friend knew my heart hurt over losing Diesel. She knew of 2 dogs who needed love, attention, and training. I hesitated simply because neither of them had ever been in the city, let alone a house. I was worried that this would be more than I could handle. I'd managed to train the other dogs because I'd been home full-time. Working full-time would make this dynamic an interesting one. So, just before Halloween 2019, I drove the 30 minutes to pick up these boys. Jaxson is a Jack Russell terrier who hated to be picked up and really didn't want a lot to do with me. Opie, on the other hand, is a blue heeler/border collie mix. (Yeah, energy enough to fuel a small city.) He has been a tryer of my patience. However, he's a good boy who is finally settling into a much more comfy life. Wanna see a picture?

As you can see, they're having an AWFUL time adjusting. LOL The little one is finally learning to snuggle and it just warms my heart. He has been giving kisses and will let me hug him when the mood strikes him. And the big oaf? Well, he's never had an issue with being loved and adored. Walking on a leash? That's a whole different ball game. *eye roll*

Back to the topic of conversation. I have been working through all of this mess, so I'm blessed more than others. With unemployment being a mess and people being out of work, I am so glad to be still working and getting a steady paycheck. I know of small business owners who are being hit so hard right now and it breaks my heart. 

And I've opened up a couple of my Word docs to work on my writing. Don't know how far I'll get, but it feels good to stretch my fingers across the keyboard and let the characters come back to life.

So, tell me, how are you faring? You have all been covered in my prayers and will continue to be covered in them as we test the waters of reopening the country, our states, our cities...our lives. Be safe. Be healthy. Be kind.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Mother's Day

This is a very special holiday, but this year, it will be a much different holiday for some families. This quarantine is messing with so many things and this is just another one of them.

Doesn't mean we can't still celebrate the women who have loved us through the scraped knees, the broken bones, and the shattered hearts. For putting up with the nonsense children put them through and the craziness that their adult children cause. 

They still manage to love us through it all. That takes a love deeper than most of us will ever know unless we have children of our own. 

So, to all of the women out there, especially those who are working from home while supporting their children with schoolwork and are managing to keep their sanity, we see you! And you don't have to be perfect for your children to love you.

Like I told my mom the other day, she built a home on love, faith, and hard work. And that love made me one of the richest kids in the world.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Holding Space

The other day I was having a conversation with a friend. Things have been going fairly well, but there are things that are weighing on my heart. This world and the situation we find ourselves in isn't helping.

My friend told me to "Just sit in this situation for now. Get your balance. Build that foundation." And that was just the advice I needed.

My life isn't in a bad place. I'm financially doing just fine. I've got a few things on my plate, but nothing I can't handle. However, I need to deal with what's there before adding anything more. This means I need to hold space for myself for a little bit.

I'm working on letting go of things and people who no longer allow me to live my best life. I'm trying to release the past and live where I am. I'm finding the things I'm passionate about and letting them be what I focus on when my anxieties are riding high. Most of all, I'm learning to dream again. 

I wish I could explain to you how good that feels. I had given up on so many things lately. Instead of thriving where I was planted, I was surviving and only just. However, lately, I've been doing things I would never dream of doing before. I've signed up for a project that will take me so far out of my comfort zone that I can't see how I will return from it unchanged. I'm beginning to see the direction I want to steer this ship of mine. 

But for now, I'm allowing the waves to lap at my hull as I sit in the safe harbor where I'm anchored. And I'm holding space...for myself for a change. 

I'm so used to holding space for other people. So often, I just let my problems and my shit be pushed down so I can help those I love most. But if I have learned anything from this journey, I've learned that I cannot give from an empty cup. I cannot nourish you while starving myself. 

So, for now, I'm working on things that make me happy. (Including a new blog called "What Makes You Beautiful-Going Beyond the Looking Glass" It's a blog about finding your beauty at any age.) I'm allowing the dreams to come and who knows where I'll end up. I just hope you all stick around for the crazy journey!

Monday, March 30, 2020

Coronavirus 2020

How is everybody? I want to take a few moments to check in and let you know that if you need to open up, I'm here. It may take me a day or two to respond, but I read every comment/email and will get back to you.

I'm still working my day job though our office is closed to the public. As a seasonal worker, my concern is finding another day job with this #SaferAtHome thing going on. I still have bills and need to find a way to keep paying them.

I have family members and friends who are like family who have suppressed immune systems or health issues that have them living in fear for their very lives. 

I tell you all of this so you know that anxiety and depression is running at an all-time high in several areas of my world. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! This mess keeps us isolated from each other, but reach out!

I have a best friend who I am missing dearly. We still message every day. Isn't the same as sitting down and having a conversation, but it works for now. 

This time is a big struggle for many. Essential workers are struggling being away from their family members and dealing with people who just don't understand how dire this situation is. Non-essential workers are struggling with being isolated from the world at large.

If you can, get out in the sunshine and embrace nature, allowing Mother Earth to hold you tightly against her. If that isn't an option, don't spend all of your downtime in front of the television or on social media. Read a book. Write in a journal. Meditate. Love on your pets. Clean your space. 

If you go out into the world for whatever reason, you have, please remember to be kind. Nobody is happy with the state of the world at the moment. We are all dealing with internal struggles and we are simply humans. Showing patience and kindness harms no one.

You are loved. You are needed. You are doing just fine. And you are not alone in your feelings.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Let's Have a Conversation...

I've been away for longer than I intended. I thought I'd step back for a hot minute and it turned out to be much longer. But I also haven't had a lot to say. I've been writing. I've been working. I've been handling the shit Life has tossed at me. Something happened last week and I wanted to have a conversation.

There isn't a lot I share about my personal life on social media. Am I single? Am I married? Do I have kids? Do I not? If I passed you on the street, would you know me? Do you think you really know me simply because I post my thoughts or share memes that touch my heart? Please don't make assumptions like that! Unless we have had real conversations about the things in our lives that really matter, please don't ever think you truly know me.

So, I follow a page on Facebook. I love this page for the way it uplifts me and other women. It helps with my self-esteem issues. 

I made a comment. I make a lot of comments on the various posts. I even got bold enough to share a photo of myself on that page. And the one comment that got a reaction was one I made about my divorce. 

I had three guys message me. One asked if I could talk to him about how I got up the nerve to leave. The other two wanted things I just wouldn't provide them. I accepted the one message request and said "Hi!" 

I'm always up for helping people if I can. My story is simply my story. However, it what I've been through can help someone, I'm willing to share my survival. Then, this person sent me a picture. Of his dick! Uhm...I was on my lunch break at work. That wasn't what I wanted or needed to see. I mean, I understand he's proud of it, but from a female who has seen more impressive, I can't understand why. I thought about my response for a few minutes before I actually messaged him back. 

My first reaction was to immediately block his ass. My second response was to make a snarky, biting comment. The last response was the one I went with. I told him that I really didn't appreciate the picture. I, then, explained very nicely how I don't measure a man's worth on the size of what is in his pants. I think there are better qualities to measure a man's worth by. I went on to explain that as much I try not to judge people, I was judging him very harshly on the fact that instead of asking about me or asking about my story, he thought sending me that picture was acceptable social behavior. 

Then, I blocked his ass. 

For the men out there, trust me when I tell you that any dick pics you send us, we share with our girlfriends and usually have a good laugh over. (#TrueStory) Never said it was the right thing to do. However, if you think for a moment that women don't have conversations about this shit, you'd be wrong.
Also, please stop and think for a moment before you do something stupid.

My point to this rant is this: Never presume that because you read something a person posts on social media that you know them. I made a comment about my divorce, but that doesn't mean that I'm still single. Doesn't mean I'm not. Just means that I am divorced. Never think a woman wants to see your junk. Unless she specifically says, "Hey, show me what you got!" DON'T send that picture. 

We are all human beings worthy of respect and love. Just like most people only share their happy moments on social media, please don't think that people share every piece of their life. 
You want to get to know someone? Have a conversation. Never think you know them because of a post or picture you've seen.
Have a blessed week! Stay healthy and wash your hands. Be kind to one another.