Friday, May 8, 2020

Mother's Day

This is a very special holiday, but this year, it will be a much different holiday for some families. This quarantine is messing with so many things and this is just another one of them.

Doesn't mean we can't still celebrate the women who have loved us through the scraped knees, the broken bones, and the shattered hearts. For putting up with the nonsense children put them through and the craziness that their adult children cause. 

They still manage to love us through it all. That takes a love deeper than most of us will ever know unless we have children of our own. 

So, to all of the women out there, especially those who are working from home while supporting their children with schoolwork and are managing to keep their sanity, we see you! And you don't have to be perfect for your children to love you.

Like I told my mom the other day, she built a home on love, faith, and hard work. And that love made me one of the richest kids in the world.

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