How is everybody? I want to take a few moments to check in and let you know that if you need to open up, I'm here. It may take me a day or two to respond, but I read every comment/email and will get back to you. I'm still working my day job though our office is closed to the public. As a seasonal worker, my concern is finding another day job with this #SaferAtHome thing going on. I still have bills and need to find a way to keep paying them. I have family members and friends who are like family who have suppressed immune systems or health issues that have them living in fear for their very lives. I tell you all of this so you know that anxiety and depression is running at an all-time high in several areas of my world. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! This mess keeps us isolated from each other, but reach out! I have a best friend who I am missing dearly. We still message every day. Isn't the same as sitting down and having a conversation, but it works for now. This time is a big struggle for many. Essential workers are struggling being away from their family members and dealing with people who just don't understand how dire this situation is. Non-essential workers are struggling with being isolated from the world at large. If you can, get out in the sunshine and embrace nature, allowing Mother Earth to hold you tightly against her. If that isn't an option, don't spend all of your downtime in front of the television or on social media. Read a book. Write in a journal. Meditate. Love on your pets. Clean your space. If you go out into the world for whatever reason, you have, please remember to be kind. Nobody is happy with the state of the world at the moment. We are all dealing with internal struggles and we are simply humans. Showing patience and kindness harms no one. You are loved. You are needed. You are doing just fine. And you are not alone in your feelings.
I've been away for longer than I intended. I thought I'd step back for a hot minute and it turned out to be much longer. But I also haven't had a lot to say. I've been writing. I've been working. I've been handling the shit Life has tossed at me. Something happened last week and I wanted to have a conversation. There isn't a lot I share about my personal life on social media. Am I single? Am I married? Do I have kids? Do I not? If I passed you on the street, would you know me? Do you think you really know me simply because I post my thoughts or share memes that touch my heart? Please don't make assumptions like that! Unless we have had real conversations about the things in our lives that really matter, please don't ever think you truly know me. So, I follow a page on Facebook. I love this page for the way it uplifts me and other women. It helps with my self-esteem issues. I made a comment. I make a lot of comments on the various posts. I even got bold enough to share a photo of myself on that page. And the one comment that got a reaction was one I made about my divorce. I had three guys message me. One asked if I could talk to him about how I got up the nerve to leave. The other two wanted things I just wouldn't provide them. I accepted the one message request and said "Hi!" I'm always up for helping people if I can. My story is simply my story. However, it what I've been through can help someone, I'm willing to share my survival. Then, this person sent me a picture. Of his dick! Uhm...I was on my lunch break at work. That wasn't what I wanted or needed to see. I mean, I understand he's proud of it, but from a female who has seen more impressive, I can't understand why. I thought about my response for a few minutes before I actually messaged him back. My first reaction was to immediately block his ass. My second response was to make a snarky, biting comment. The last response was the one I went with. I told him that I really didn't appreciate the picture. I, then, explained very nicely how I don't measure a man's worth on the size of what is in his pants. I think there are better qualities to measure a man's worth by. I went on to explain that as much I try not to judge people, I was judging him very harshly on the fact that instead of asking about me or asking about my story, he thought sending me that picture was acceptable social behavior. Then, I blocked his ass. For the men out there, trust me when I tell you that any dick pics you send us, we share with our girlfriends and usually have a good laugh over. (#TrueStory) Never said it was the right thing to do. However, if you think for a moment that women don't have conversations about this shit, you'd be wrong. Also, please stop and think for a moment before you do something stupid.
My point to this rant is this: Never presume that because you read something a person posts on social media that you know them. I made a comment about my divorce, but that doesn't mean that I'm still single. Doesn't mean I'm not. Just means that I am divorced. Never think a woman wants to see your junk. Unless she specifically says, "Hey, show me what you got!" DON'T send that picture. We are all human beings worthy of respect and love. Just like most people only share their happy moments on social media, please don't think that people share every piece of their life. You want to get to know someone? Have a conversation. Never think you know them because of a post or picture you've seen. Have a blessed week! Stay healthy and wash your hands. Be kind to one another.