Thursday, February 5, 2015

Back To School...

I am currently sitting in class waiting for it to start. With time to spare, I thought I'd stop by and say "Hello. I've missed you all!"

Classes started on Monday for me and it looks as though this is going to be a great semester. I've got classes that are really making me think and that is a wonderful thing. I hate being in classes where I simply sit and daydream. It doesn't inspire me to do my best. The constant drone merely lets me know that this is a place I don't want to be in. The one class I couldn't wait for may actually be that sort of class. I'm giving it another day and hoping I will actually be inspired.

I've been working on building a website and I'm very happy with the way it is turning out. It is taking a lot of work, but the input I've received is saying that it is well on its way to being completed. I need to finish the book though before I launch it for you.

Class is about to start so I will sign off for now. I hope you all have a very blessed day and that you find inspiration in every moment.

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