I'm not one to turn movies on while I write because I think they are distracting. However, the other day, I needed something...I can't explain it, but I needed. I began the Netflix surf. I went through my list and found nothing that cried out to me. So, I began to simply browse. That is when I found this movie. It's called "Peace, Love, and Misunderstanding." It called out to me, so I thought "What the hell?" I turned it on and I got lost in this movie. Enough so that I started it over when it ended. I cried so hard. Not sure why, but it spoke to my gypsy soul. Of course, this made me begin to question the universe. It's a movie about a conservative daughter who was raised by a hippie mother, moves away, then returns home to find herself.
See, if you've read my posts or know me personally, you know my father was a Vietnam veteran. He despised Jane Fonda and, even more so, the hippie movement. How on earth did he end up with a daughter who, while I may not necessarily agree with Jane's politics, thinks Jane is an amazing actress? Nevermind, the gypsy soul that resides in my body. He and I had several interesting conversations throughout my life. We didn't always agree politically, but he listened. I mean, really listened to my beliefs and feelings. I like to think I made him a little more liberal, but let's be honest, that was never going to happen. He did learn to love incense but hated the patchouli oil I would wear. He laughed at my "rocks" (crystals) and my use of herbs and oils to heal. But he never put me down for them. "I fought a war so you could believe however you need to believe," he'd say.
Loving a hard-headed veteran is my destiny. It just is the way the universe leads me. And being on a liberal arts campus...well, I find I'm not as liberal as some. I'm one of those people who are enlightened but needs to have two feet on the ground. I trust the universe to send me what I need, but I need to take care of me, too. I can't depend on the universe to do all the work, ya know? My gypsy soul gets so misunderstood and confused sometimes. However, I'm too much my father's daughter. I need that balance of conservative and liberal. But if we're not moved to question things, then why are we here?