Sunday, December 23, 2018

Angels Unaware...

This year has been a lesson in humility and patience for me. If you've read my sporadic blog posts, you know what I'm talking about. 

I've had to put things on the back burners for the time being and I've been very frustrated. My depression has spun out of control some days. I've scared more than a few of the people who love me most and for that, I am deeply sorry.

My mom sends me her morning devotions on the occasion that she feels they fit my life and are messages I need to hear. Trust me, when I tell you, I cry every single time because they hit so close to home. (Nobody knows you like your mom, I swear!) Most of the time, they are messages about believing, having faith, watering the "good" seeds, and trusting in God. What is always funny is that I've just shared my frustrations or such with someone my mother has never met, yet the next morning is a picture of her devotion with the message that I needed to hear.

Last night, I was at work. I was unpacking panties to put on the display. There are days when I hate working retail, others I'm kinda "meh" about it. Last night was a "meh" day. I got to work with my manager who I simply love working with. We have so much in common and can talk about anything with each other.

Anyway, I was standing at the packing table, unpackaging panties. There were two couples in the store. The older couple were sort of wandering around. I asked if I could help them find anything. The lady assured me that I couldn't and that they were simply there with their daughter and her husband. I went back to sorting and unpacking the panties, joking with my manager. 

The older gentleman came back to have a chat while I stood there. He was a funny man! He told me how he'd been married for 57 years and how his wife keeps him on his toes...his tiptoes. I laughed and his wife swatted him on his backside as she walked through. He went on to tell me that he'd been a store manager for JCPenney's for years. He'd been working in a factory making busses and got laid off. He needed a job so he went to work for JCPenney's. He never wanted to work retail and hated it when he started but learned to love it as he worked his way up to store manager. He said he always feels blessed to have had that opportunity and how God is good. He continued to share how he and his wife had lost a son. Their marriage was not going well and they were at odds with each other. He said that loss hurt so deeply, yet it was essential to the survival of their marriage. The petty troubles fell away as they clung to each other and fixed what was broken. And "Isn't God good?" I took a deep breath and said, "He certainly is." He, then, began to share words from each one of my mother's devotions. How the destination is amazing, but the journey is equally so. How having faith is essential to living. How God has written out every chapter of our lives and He knows how it all comes together to our advantage. He kept telling me, "God is so good." 

His wife and daughter got ready to check out so I handled their transaction. As they prepared to leave, the older gentleman stood at the counter and smiled. "Have faith, child," he said with a twinkle in his very blue eyes. And as he walked out, he turned around, "May God bless you." 

Luckily, the store was slow. I had to excuse myself because this man had touched my heart in a very profound way.

Later on, a woman and her mother came in to shop. The younger woman was looking for a new winter jacket. I assured her that the jacket she was trying on was WAY too big. Turns out that, at the age of 42, she got the surprise of a lifetime...she is pregnant! As we chatted and searched for bras, she shared her concerns for this pregnancy and how things are so different than when she was pregnant 11 years ago. She gives me hope that this particular dream of mine isn't lost yet!

The night wore on and my manager was telling me about a movie she had just watched. "I Can Only Imagine" was the title. I had heard about it, but when she shared the video to the song, I fell apart...again. She understands my heart better than most as we both lost our fathers...our rocks. We spent the evening discussing the men who had raised us. Two very different men from two very different walks of life, but two men who had raised their daughters with love, laughter, and strength. She lost her dad at the tender age of 20 while my loss was 20 years later. However, we each wonder how different our lives would be if they were still with us. Two very different women from two very different walks of life, yet our hearts are drawn together by the love of our daddies.

These things seem to be very important as Christmas approaches...rapidly. Like I said, this year has been one of frustration, humility, and learning patience. My mom tells me that I am working where I am for a reason. After last night, I'm beginning to see that she isn't wrong. 

Things will be crazy in my life for the holidays, but I want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for walking with me on this journey. From my house to yours, I wish you a very happy holiday season! Blessings and love to you all :) 

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